The Banking Concept Of Education

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In an era where knowledge is the sole primary key to success and advancement. It is necessary to eradicate the mindset of the system regarding education as a form of robotizing scholars. Leaving students with no form of thought to fend for themselves later on in life. Rather than continuing with this erroneous form of teaching; it would be of society’s best interest if we embark in a quest to change ancient education methods and enhance them to fit today’s evolving minds. This way learning methods will challenge the mind, enhance though process, expand knowledge, push boundaries, and improve education exhaustively. These education is erroneous in the way that it robotizes scholars, doesn’t encourage thinking outside the box, and regards students …show more content…

In the sense that it does not bring problem solving strategies but immobilizes scholars minds into processing information in a specific way. Personally I agree with Freire’s point of view due to the fact that in changing times it is of the populations best interest to get educated to think outside the box, to become individuals, and no longer robots. “ The student records, memorizes, and repeats these phrases without perceiving what four times four really means, or realizing the true significance of “capital” in the affirmation “ the capital of Para is Belem” that is, what Belem means to Para and what Para means to Brazil.” When making memorizing forms, and information a way of enhancing student’s minds it neglects nourishment to the mind and only robotizises the individual who is ‘learning’ trough this concept. “Worse yet, it turns them into “containers”, into “receptacles” to be “filled” by the teacher.” Students no longer have the capacity to question the teacher; yet they have to acknowledge infinite facts heaved at them without being able to question or second guess the nature of these ideas. The result of this heinous manner of old fashion education regards “an act of depositing in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor.” Therefore, making the scholar only an empty vessel to reform data …show more content…

Are they truly increasing their thought process? Of course, not. Scholars are merely grasping on what they are supposed to know rather of all the possibilities to increase learning becoming an individual with a set of unique ideas rather than another empty vessel for depositing. For instance, “Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.” This refers to the idea that in order to improve education or even learn anything in general a person is required to think of endless possibilities . Not be reinforced only one solution therefor staying within the excruciating boundaries of these oppressive form of education. As Freire mentions “Education must begin with the solution of the teacher-student contradiction” indicating that in a system when the student is able to contradict the teacher they will not only learn from each other but advance. Subsequently, as stated previously it is necessary to reincorporate “creativity, transformation, and knowledge” in education if we want to succeed. Otherwise, we will become stuck in an endless loop of an oppressive education system where there is no space

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