The Banking Concept Analysis

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In the 20th and 21st centuries the American educational system has witness much transition in response to our changing society. Throughout the world education will vary and have different standards to what each individual person must meet. In the final decades of 20th centuries education system began to change to meet soceityś standards. However, within U.S. educational system problems raised throughout the years in regard to what our school systems should be teaching our children, there have also been many developments. Moreover, in American educational system it is very challenging and have a lot of rules and regulations. On the other hand, throughout the U.S. education system there have been many concerns about racism, brain complexity, …show more content…

education system Americans males and females students learn and comprehend information in different ways, based on specific variations in their brains. To Clarify, American students have different levels of attitudes about teaching, learning, and different responses to specific classroom environments and instructional practices. For that reason, in “The Banking Concept,” Paulo Freire uses a term that is called "banking concept of education." The "banking concept of education," is when the scope of action allowed the students extends only as far as receiving, filling, and storing the desposites. Nevertheless, Freire evolve this concept that is called “banking,” in which teachers simply deposit information for the students to memorize. In “The Banking Concept,” Freire stated “Education suffering from narration sickness” (Freire 2). The teacher needs to be the narrator and leads the students to memorize mechanically the narrated account. Accordingly, Freire creates this solution be revising the teaching methods; which is problem-posting which consisted questions for students, and cause them to become critical thinkers. Freire uses of diction and metaphors, helps develop his argument by convincing the audience to be open-minded and willing to consider other ideas and the way that students receive information. On the other hand, Matthew Crawford wants the American education system to realize that not everyone is going to make in life. In “Shop Class As A Soulcraft,” Matthew mentions “Knowledge workers” (Crawford 1). School systems throw away tools that can teach them. American education system are giving tool for the students to obey them and they are throwing them away instead of giving them the tools that can teach American students. Crawford believes that that students needed to be trained as “Knowledge Workers,” for preparation of their roles in the future. American educators are preparing students to become “knowledge workers,” yet are throwing

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