The Bad Seed: Nurture Vs. Nature

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Child killers are a very prominent example of the “Nurture vs. Nature” debate, in which no one has quite found the correct answer. In one of the articles it refers to these children as “freaks of nature” or “products of the devil”, implying that they were just born evil. In the other article, the author states that it’s the fact that the killers in the Columbine massacre survived an abortion. The author claims that all of the warning signs for the suicide were common likes between all abortion survivors. Both articles were interesting; however, neither brought society any closer to answering this debate.
Instead of assuming the child is a “bad seed” society needs to look at them as a human being and acknowledge the fact that they …show more content…

The play The Bad Seed is the story of a murderous little girl named Rhoda, who kills a boy over a penmanship metal and the Janitor at her apartment home as he discovered that she killed the little boy. There are plenty of other stories related this; movies such as, The Omen, The Orphan, and Children of the Corn, were so successful due to the fact that they challenged the modern belief that children were born innocent and pure.
The topic is definitely an interesting one, and like a finely aged wine, it’s an acquired taste. I chose to narrow my topic down into child killers, considering that is the field of study I’m interested in, and eventually plan on forming a career out of it. The more I read about the ‘freaks of nature’, the more I was fascinated by it, not only by the fact that a child had the capability to murder someone, but by the fact that they were completely shunned by adults and few took the time to try and understand why. After reading the peer reviewed article about Columbine and Abortion Survivors, I can honestly say that I don’t understand the relationship between the feelings the author is stating and surviving an abortion. I firmly believe that society needs to examine each case to find the ‘why’, just as it would for adult cases, and not just assume that the child is a ‘product of the devil’, who knows what

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