The Atkins Diet: Is it That Perfect?

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The Atkins Diet: Is it That Perfect?


Since it’s introduction in the middle 1970’s, the Atkins Protein Diet has grown to be one of the most popular methods of weight loss. It requires a large amount of self-discipline and dedication but if done properly it seems that people can lose a tremendous amount of weight in short period of time. There are also claims that Atkins dieters will experience other health benefits as well. The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine is confident that their diet is the most successful means of weight loss around as they teach patients to determine their personal sensitivity to carbohydrates and manage their weight and health for life. They have successfully treated over 60,000 patients who followed their diet, which each subject experiencing some of the beneficial health effects as well. other researchers argue that this diet is incredibly bad for the human body and is not a means of losing weight and especially keeping it off. I will discuss the Atkins diet, how it works, and studies for and against it will be discussed.

Hold everything but the meat...What is the Atkins Diet?

The idea of the Atkins Diet is to cut carbohydrates out of one’s diet in order to lose a significant amount of weight. An Atkins dieter is not to consume starchy foods such as bread, pasta, potatoes, cereal, any foods containing sugar, high sugar fruits and vegetables, and even fruit juices; Thus eliminating many foods one would normally need as a part of the four food groups to stay healthy. A dieter is allowed no more than 30 carbohydrates a day; the equivalent of a few pieces of lettuce or less than one ...

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...rnal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 23(5):528-536, May, 1999.

Whitehead, McNeill, Smith. “The effect of protein intake on 24-h energy expenditure during energy restriction.” International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 20(8): 727-732, Aug, 1996.

Marckmann, Toubro, Astrup. “Sustained improvement in blood lipids, coagulation, and fibrinolysis after major weight loss in obese subject.” European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 52: 329-333, 1998.

Heilbronn, Noakes, Clifton. “Effect of energy restriction, weight loss, and diet composition on plasma lipids and glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes.” Diabetes Care, 22:889-895, 1999.

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