The American Dream Is Dead Analysis

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“The American Dream is dead!” is what Donald Trump claims, but he is wrong. He says that he wants to make it possible again even though it already is. The American Dream to have the opportunity to succeed and to live a happy, fulfilling life is still alive. The possibility to succeed presents itself in an article written by David Wallechinsky. He wrote about a divorced mother named Shelly who made college attainable for “ a friend of her oldest child, Michelle. She is going into debt so that Michelle can go to college” (Wallechinsky 61). Michelle had a chance to succeed by getting an education therefore proving the dream is not completely dead. Michelle can now study a subject of her choice and get a well-paying job that relates to the subject; she can live an enjoyable life. In brief one can still gain an education and a job that they want to do. Another example of someone who had a chance to succeed was Barack Obama’s father. While Barack was still only a senator from Illinois, he shared during a speech that, “my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place, America, that shone as a beacon …show more content…

An essay by William Zinnsser discusses how it is okay if one drops out of college and that they can still live a quality life. William writes, “Today’s younger generation seems to know that this is true, seems willing to take the risks in life that artists take in art … their elders might say, that they are just plumb lazy, secure in the comforts of an affluent state. It could also mean, however that they just don’t buy the old standards of success and our rapidly writing new ones” (Zinnsser 94). As long as one is happy, they are living the dream. Some people do not feel the need to have an education and are happy with living life in a way that is more satisfying to them. In the end, it is about one doing whatever makes them feel delighted to be

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