The Active Life Summary

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The book named called “The Active Life” is about A Spiritualty of Work, Creativity, Caring, and about Parker J. Palmer who was born in January 01, 1939 in Chicago Illinois, but currently Palmer is lives with his wife Sharon Palmer, in Madison, Wisconsin. Palmer is a writer, leader, teacher and activist whose work speaks deeply to people in many walks of life, and Palmer had written eight books and he had published include ten poems, and some essay. Additionally, Palmer was travels widely in this country and abroad giving workshops, lectures, and retreats, and has often been cited as a master teacher. Parker J. Palmer is a well-educated leader, activist, and teacher who was attended University of California. Also, in 1993, he won the national award of the Council of independent Colleges for Outstanding Contributions to Higher Education (Palmer 161). On the other hand, Palmer received B.A. degree …show more content…

Palmer tells it is readers how to live out the paradox of Christianity life of contemplation, and world of action. The fit between the monastic vision and life in the world of action in not always good, and it is important speak those people whom intelligence sound to community further intensely with God. Consistently, it comes the minds of Christians that a life of a contemplation is a considerable mission. Palmer had noticed that “people who live by monastic norms sometimes fall so short,” and that “people caught in the gap between monastic values and the demands of active life sometimes simply abandon the spiritual quest” (Palmer2). Palmer structures of the gap between monastic values, the demands of active life sometimes basically abandon the spiritual mission, and, practices this book to display people that Palmer period “contemplation, and action” is a great spiritual value. Here are an important basics of life people should consider, and live out in Paradox contemplation, light, beauty, darkness, and

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