The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian

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Never Give Up A lot of people have hope and learn to never give up. But in The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, a 14-year old boy named Junior lives on an Indian reservation and all anyone has taught him is to give up. Junior is determined to fight for hope, no matter what the cost is. So he leaves the reservation to go to an all-white school (Reardan High School) in the search for hope. Junior’s best friend, Rowdy, was infuriated at Junior for leaving his home just to go to an all-white school, but Junior looks past that and he hopes that Rowdy can forgive him for wanting to follow his dreams. In Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian, Junior learns to find hope through talking to wise …show more content…

When Junior went to Reardan, it was a new opportunity for him to succeed and find hope for a better future. This was beneficial for Junior because it made him put in more effort into trying to succeed and be a better student. He tried out for the basketball team, and he surprised himself, “Heck I ended up on varsity” (142). Reardan gave Junior hope by believing in him, and that gave him hope and confidence that he could make the basketball team at Reardan. At Wellpinit (his old high school on the reservation), they expected everyone to give up and not go to college, and not be successful. But at Reardan, all of the teachers expected all of the students to succeed and never give up. The two schools were polar opposites and Junior was stuck in the middle, but then Reardan gave him hope again and the path he needed for a better future, “ I mean, I’d always been the lowest Indian on the reservation totem pole - I wasn’t expected to be good so I wasn’t. But in Reardan, my coach and the other players wanted me to be good. They needed me to be good. They expected me to be good. And so I became good. I wanted to live up to expectations. I guess that’s what it all comes down to. The power of expectations” (180). Since Reardan expected Junior to be successful, it encouraged Junior to try harder in school and in sports. He gained confidence because of the …show more content…

First of all, nobody knew that Junior was poor, “Yeah, so I pretended to have a little money. I pretended to be middle class. I pretended I belonged. Nobody knew the truth” (119). Penelope was Junior’s new girlfriend. Penelope thought that Junior might be poor, so Penelope asked him a big question, “‘Can I ask you something big?’ ‘Yeah, I guess.’ ‘Are you poor?’ I couldn’t lie to her anymore. ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘I’m poor.’ I figured she was going to march out of my life right then. But she didn’t. Instead she kissed me” (127). Penelope gave Junior hope by being understanding and accepting him for being who he is. Junior was hopeful that there are some people out there who respect him for who he is, and accept him. Junior was hanging out with Roger and Penelope and after they find out he’s poor, Penelope asks if he has a ride home, and he doesn’t so he has to walk home in the dark and the cold. Penelope started to cry and tells Junior that he can’t do that because it’s too cold and asks Roger to give Junior a ride home, “And Roger, being the kind heart and generous pocket, and a little bit racist, drove me home that night. And he drove me home plenty of other nights, too. If you let people into your life a little bit, they can be pretty damn amazing” (129). This quote shows that Roger really was a nice person and that he cared about Junior and they became

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