Diary Of A Part Time Indian Essay

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Part of a Whole ROUGH DRAFT Identity. Social Injustice. Coming of age. Those are three out of several other themes that are touched on in The Diary of a Part-Time Indian, written by Sherman Alexie. Sherman Alexie grew up on a Spokane Indian reservation, in fact Junior and the story as a whole is based on his childhood; as he also struggled with the effects of poverty, alcoholism, identity, and social injustice. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is follows the life of Junior; a fourteen year old, Spokane Indian boy, who lives on an Indian reservation filled with poverty and addiction. The story begins when Junior decides transfer to a high school called “Reardan,” which is located outside the reservation in a rich white farm town. At first, Junior is a misfit at his new school; he has trouble making friends, mainly because he’s Indian. His transition to Reardan also causes a fight and other conflicts between him and his best friend, Rowdy, who feels betrayed by Junior. In fact, the whole reservation sees him as traitor. …show more content…

As we know, the reservation is plagued with Indians who have abandoned their dreams, such as Junior’s dad. Junior thinks this is because “reservation Indians don't get to realize [their] dreams.” Implying that Indians aren’t provided with a lot of opportunities in regard to their future. Perhaps, poverty doesn’t give them the chance, or maybe it’s societal expectations within the reservoir. Junior even thinks that “Indian boys weren’t supposed to dream like that” when Penelope reveals she wants to be an architect. The usage of the phrase “like that” demonstrates how dreaming big, isn’t a popular thing. In conclusion, although Junior knows that he wants a successful future; he also thinks he doesn’t get “those chances” to realize his dreams, as he and the members of the reservation are

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