Text vs Movie Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo & Juliet – Text vs. movie

The tragedy, “Romeo and Juliet” was originally a play created by William Shakespeare, one of many world famous plays by the same. This play has been converted into its intended style many times in the past, the earliest version in 1968 was directed by Franco Zeffirelli, the latest film in 1996 by Baz Luhrmann. The latter is quite modern and only occassionally uses the words of Shakespeare. On the contrary, the older version was very traditional, and almost completely stuck to the original script. In this essay, I will compare the modern day film to the traditional version of the tragic play, “Romeo and Juliet.

Amongst the key differences are those in the various characters and how they are portrayed in the two separate editions of the tragedy. One example is Romeo, for he is starred as a serious young man who is feeling very lovesick from his love for Rosaline, and later, Juliet, in the more faithful version. On the other hand, in the modern version, he appears to be a regular youth, looking for a bit of fun, and is slightly immature. In addition, ...

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