Terminology In Realia

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2. Terminology The term realia (singular: reale) is generally used to refer to two seperate phenomena: • categorical terms or concrete and unique phenomena that are specific to a certain country or cultural area, and have no – or only a partial – equivalent outside of the source language. • the terminology used to denote these phenomena. In English, this applies to: • historical terminology: Battle of Flodden Field, Restoration, Henry VIII • geografical terminology: London, Nottingham, the Lake District, the Thames Barrier • private sector: Greenergy, Virgin Atlantic Airlines, Bank of England, Woolworth • public sector: BBC, private schools, House of Lords • currency units or units of value: pound, euro, B+ • social-cultural terminology: pub, Boxing Day, bangers, pantomime …show more content…

Interestingly enough, even countries within the same language area are known to have seperate realia. For example, while England has her Conservative Party, the Republic of Ireland does not. In turn, the English are unfamiliar with the Irish Clan of the Gaels, the Troubles, or St Stephen’s Day. Likewise, English-speaking nations such as Great Britain and the United States may use the same terminology for different concepts. The Supreme Court – the highest court in both countries – share a number of similarities, yet have different judicial powers. This diversity does not only apply to institutional realia, but also to social and cultural realia. The English have their fish and chips and red buses, the Scottish their square sausage and

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