Tender Man Myths

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Urban legends have been around for centuries. They were created to warn us about a community fear we have. Most urban legends are made up and have no truth behind them, but some of them are formed around something that has happened in the past. Urban legends have been passed on orally from generation to generation. One of the urban legends that stood out to me was “Slender Man”. “Slender Man” was created to teach a lesson to children and parents back then and still is living on to be told today. Using research, summarizing, and analyzing the story of “Slender Man” I determined that it is used as a cautionary tale. There is an eight-foot monster that dresses in a suite and has nothing but a blank face. This creature is known as “Slender Man”. He lives in the woods and eats small children and animals. It has been reported that Slender man has taken children and they are never found again. Several versions of slender man exist. Some describe him as having many tentacles like limbs coming out all over his body. Others say he only has four limbs, two long arms and legs. Several pictures have shown up online of the so called slender man. In the pictures you can see a tall man standing behind children. It is said that slender man stalks his victims before he takes them. Due to his height he can easily disguise himself amongst the trees. (Emery, …show more content…

There are wood carvings from Germany that show a faceless person with multiple legs attacking people. The German’s called this person “Der Ritter”. The story of “Der Ritter” is that if children went into the woods at night without permission from their parents “Der Ritter” would chase after them until he captured them. Or the children told their parents they went into the woods without permission. This is where “Slender Man” is considered to originate from. The story of “Slender Man” has changed over time, but the same concept has been passed down through

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