Television Pros And Cons Essay

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There are many negative effects on the amount of television a child watches. Excess amount of television can cause child hood obesity, can cause behavior problems, and physical activity. Parents have to limit the amount of time a child spends in front of the television to ensure they don’t suffer from these problems.

In resent years there was is a new controversial regarding the amount of time a child spending in front of the television. In 2006 there was a study published that detailed the pros and cons on this debate and how parents need to limit the amount of television a young child watches.
American Behavioral Scientist, the television is on approximately six hours a day on average in American homes.

According to The American Academy of Pediatrics( AAP) that children under the age of two, should not consume any amount of T.V and the children over the age of two should only consume no more than two hours of T.V a day.(AAP 1999)

According to Dr Aric Sigman, a child under the age of two watching to much television could be the cause of the increase in the dopamine level in th...

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