Telephone In The 1800s

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The Telephone It seems as though we can get all of the things we need from that little device we pull out of our back pockets. We can contact people, upload to our social media, search the internet, and entertain ourselves with games, videos and more. It it normal for everyone to have a cell phone nowadays. I believe the telephone was one of the major turning points of American history in the 1800s. But how did the telephone originate? The telephone was invented by a british man named Alexander Graham Bell. Alexander moved to Boston, Massachusetts with his family and became a teacher. Alexander’s father, Melville Bell, worked with people who were deaf. He even invented a written system to help teach people on speaking to the deaf. This was called the Visible Speech. Alexander wanted to use his father’s methods to teach people how to speak to the deaf, but he wanted something more vocal. He took some ideas from the telegraph that was made in 1843. He wanted to teach people vocally over long distances, instead of typing it and shipping the information out one at a time. Eventually, Bell figured out how to connect a few wires. From the website, I found the first words transported over the telephone. The words were, “Mr. Watson, come here, I need you.” After the telephone was invented, it became wildly popular. The first …show more content…

It gave us ways of contacting each other over world wide distances. The telephone of course has evolved into something like a mini computer without the keyboard with apps, messaging and phone calls. But overall it serves the same purpose as it did back in the day. It let us have a way of communicating without having to write a letter or use the telegraph. Overall, I believe that the telephone was one of the greatest inventions and turning points in our history. If we didn’t have phones today, communication would be a lot trickier than just a click of a

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