Teenagers Should Be Allowed More Privacy Essay

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While not always seen, overall, teenagers get far less privacy than adults do. Between schools checking through the belongings of their students without solid evidence to allow it, or parents monitoring the activity of their children online, teenagers today are subject to much of their privacy being taken away. It is true that this can sometimes be helpful in busting drug dealers or keeping teenagers from getting involved with bad habits online. However, it can also have an adverse effect, ruining the relationship between a parent and his or her child, or other relationships throughout the rest of the teenager’s life. Teenagers should be allowed more privacy, if not as much as adults have, as it will keep them less fearful, as well as help to keep their interpersonal relationships strong and their emotions in a good state. Occasionally, certain instances have occurred in which school administrators or staff members have been allowed or instructed to search through the personal belongings of students, sometimes without the …show more content…

These parents might monitor their child’s activity online or constantly check their child’s texts. By doing this, they can really scare off their teenagers from talking to them, and make them anxious. They would constantly wonder if their parents were looking over their shoulder, watching everything they did. This would put a lot of emotional pressure on these teenagers, who are already dealing with lots of emotions through hormones and puberty changes. The children would begin to look for new ways to keep their life private from their parents, which can lead to things such as creating fake accounts to hide their activity online. This might lead to the children keeping more and more secrets from their parents, which, if revealed to said parents, can cause more problems in the relationship between parent and

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