Persuasive Essay On Privacy In Schools

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In the United States high schools dealing with student’s privacy are becoming more of a huge problem and more students are feeling that schools are validating their privacy rights. In recent discussions of teen privacy in school, is whether if schools go overboard sometimes and feel they can search the student’s because they are using school property or are on school property. Some people feel that students do need more privacy from their schools because they need their privacy just like everyone else, and with this more reasonability they will have to get them ready when they leave school. On the other hand, some think that by giving more privacy to the student’s more poor decisions would come out of it than strong ones. Students that have …show more content…

From this perspective, if schools give teens more privacy the student’s will be able to learn more on their own. An article called “School District 's Webcam Surveillance Focus of Suit” by Martha Moore a USA Today publisher on school issues, analyzes how a high school girl was hanging out with her friends and noticed a glowing green light on her computer, which means that the webcam is on either taking pictures or a video. The School District has admitted theft-tracking software which means it takes pictures of the people to know where the computer is at and who has it (Moore 1).This is something that schools shouldn 't be doing no student should be getting pictures of them taken without them knowing. This is going on in and out of the school which takes privacy away from the student in school and out of school and won 't make the students feel right using the laptops to do the work. Students and parents signed a policy acknowledging the school could monitor the laptop 's ' contents and Internet usage. “The policy doesn 't mention the school 's ability to use the webcams, theft-tracking devices that were supposed to be turned on if laptops were reported missing or stolen “(Moore 1). The high school was not even following their own rules and invaded the students’ privacy. This helps to show that teens do need more privacy because schools …show more content…

The article was talking about how schools can just go into the student’s phones if they just feel that the student is doing something careless like bullying or might have something to do with drugs. (Keilman 1). Keilman writes what a school spokesman said "That 's perfectly within our rights within the school," he said. "If schools have credible evidence that cellphones are being used in some kind of trafficking...we have every right to take the phones (Keilman)." This doesn 't seem right how will school have credible evidence that a student is using their phone for some kind of trafficking without breaking the student 's privacy rights. The school would either guess and then going through their phone to get the information or to spy on the student. Plus Students like to play jokes on each other because that’s just how teen’s friendships, work and schools might think those jokes are real and blame the student’s for something they never did. Students have their own code when they are texting and some use words but make them have a different meaning than what the word really means (Keilman 1). This should make schools try not to be in a fair amount of the students privacy

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