Teenage Sense Of Entitlement

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Teenage Sense of Entitlement
This past year, Maya, a high school senior from Morristown, sued her parents for refusing to pay her college tuition. Maya claimed her parents financially abandoned her at age 18. However, her parents had a different story, Maya had made an agreement with her parents earlier that year if she helped with simple chores around the house and worked a part-time job after school they would pay for her college tuition. Eventually, the lawsuit was dropped, and Maya began to pursue honoring the agreement between her and her parents. Although entitlement is an issue in today’s world there are still many solutions to help prevent it. In today’s world, teenagers feel entitled to whatever they want, when they want it. They …show more content…

However, it would not fully take care of the problem due to how much people rely on social media. Most people use social media as the world's form of connection to others. People communicate with all types of sources for all different types of reasons. Eliminating social media may improve the effect of entitlement, although it will cause many other problems. Social media does encourage the most entitlement issues in young teenagers but eliminating it would not solve the problem. In today’s world entitlement is engraved in the mind’s of teenagers. Simply taking away Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter would not remove the sense of entitlement from the minds of teenagers. The same comparisons can be made in real life at school. For example, the kids at the school known to be the popular group have the mindset they are more entitled to things than every other person. Just like on social media the more likes or followers people have the more entitled they are. The sense of entitlement is fostered by social media, however eliminating social media would not remove the issue of entitlement in teenagers due to the amount of entitlement already existing in the real …show more content…

Entitlement needs to be changed within the culture to completely solve the issue. Although many would agree it is a very important problem that needs to be addressed it would take a drastic cultural change to eliminate entitlement. However, getting more kids involved in service projects and mission trips would help teenagers understand not everyone has large amounts of materialistic items. When kids experience poverty first hand they will become more grateful for what they have (What Am I Entitled to). Once teenagers get a sense of the real world and see first hand the issues of entitlement would continue to decrease. Letting teenagers be exposed to poverty will help teens understand they are not entitled to everything. As a culture gradually the sense of entitlement can be

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