Teen Pregnancy and Graduation Rates

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Teen pregnancy is surprisingly decreasing over the years. According to Farber, “the most recent studies have shown that there has been a decrease in the rate of pregnancies among all teenagers and among sexually active teenagers (16). Although this issue seems is decreasing this is still a problem faced by many teenage girls today. Each year, 7.5 percent of all 15-19 year old women become pregnant (Maynard 1). Not only does this issue affects the pregnant teen but it also affects the economy. Teen pregnancy affects graduation rates. Many teen mothers cite pregnancy as the key reason of them not finishing school. Only 40 percent of teen mothers finish high school (Teen Pregnancy Affects Graduation Rates). The 60 percent of teen mothers that do not finish high school not only influence their future, but the future of their unborn baby. The best solution to help teen pregnancy become obsolete and save many teenagers futures is abstinence. Abstinence is the best solution because this solution has four advantages such as, it has the highest effectiveness, it teaches other important life skills, it aids teens in school and it halts the spread of STDs among adolescents.
According to Lawton, “abstinence means not having sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal or oral intercourse) at any time” (25).This answer is a sure way to improve the rate of teen pregnancy. Those that take the pledge to become abstinent usually use this form of contraception until they get married. It has proven to have the highest effectiveness. Unlike condoms and birth control pills abstinence is 100 percent guaranteed prevention. Birth control pills have a very high effective rate. However, if a woman forgets to take one her chances of becoming pregnant, become greater...

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Kittleson, Mark J., William Kane, Richelle Rennegarbe, and Elissa Howard-Barr. The Truth about Sexual Behavior and Unplanned Pregnancy. New York: Facts on File, 2005. Web.
Lawton, Sandra Augustyn. Pregnancy Information for Teens: Health Tips about Teen Pregnancy and Teen Parenting. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, 2007. Print.
Maynard, Rebecca A. Kids Having Kids: Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, 1997. Print.
Mucciolo, Gary. Everything You Need to Know about Birth Control. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 2000. Print.
"Teen Pregnancy Affects Graduation Rates." Reform and State Legislative Initiatives. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2014.
Winikoff, Beverly, and Suzanne Wymelenberg. The Whole Truth about Contraception: A Guide to Safe and Effective Choices. Washington, D.C.: Joseph Henry, 1997. Print.

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