Teen Dating Violence

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Because I Love You…
“Because I love you… you shouldn’t be talking to that dude you should know how dumb that makes me look, because I love you… I should smash your phone… because I love you.” In today’s society, teen dating violence is a big dilemma, not only is it with girls, but it ranges within the boys also. The effects of teen dating violence vary across sexes. Girls are more likely to experience long term mental and behavioral problems like suicidal attempts, depression and substance abuse than boys. For example, there is always domestic violence when it comes to hitting girls over jealousy or trust(“teen dating violence is a significant problem,”) but in other cases the abuser is not always the man, it can also be a woman, Domestic …show more content…

People or even close friends do not like to get involved in other people’s problems. For one, the person who may be a witness to this abuse, they don’t want to help because most of the time they think something horrible may happen to them for trying to help. Abuse like this does not start the day you meet your partner. It can start a week, a month, or maybe even a year from now, there is no set of time span for when you partner will be abusive when he or she will be loving. There’s just so many ways the abuse can start, for one it can be physically abusing the partner by striking, lashing out, and or smacking, and there may be sexual abuse, or even emotional or verbal abuse. There’s no telling which could be first. How would someone know if there’s some sort of abuse going on? Well there are many signs that a person is in an abusive relationship. The abuser wants as much control over the victim as possible; the abuser usually needs to be attached to the victim and the victim cannot or may not do anything without the abuser. For one just the way the abuser speaks to victim, by telling him/her what to do, you may see a tight arm grabbing, or a vicious look when told to do something, there’s always going to be a specific way to tell it may not be when they first see them, but eventually they’ll tell something wrong is going

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