Psychological Dating Violence

1991 Words4 Pages

Psychological Consequences of Dating Violence on Women

The psychological consequences of dating violence towards women have widely studied, but research investigations continue, in part because of the increase in rates of violence against all women. Dating Violence is defined as "the use of or threat of physical force or restraint carried out with the intent of causing pain or injury to another" with a dating relationship" (Christine & Kerrie, 2007). It is also defined as a form of behavior pattern in romantic relationships between dating partners. This paper will focus on the psychological consequences of dating violence and how this can be handled at an early stage before it gets worse. The psychological consequences of dating violence …show more content…

Christine and Kerrie (2007) examined the common experiences of Psychological Dating Violence. They have also examined the comparison of psychological dating violence with sexual and physical dating violence. They found that 79.1% of Canadian female college students had been abused with the past year. The study has found that 87% of the women has committed and 88% had been a victim of psychological abuse. Their study has indicated that psychological dating violence is more common than physical or sexual abuse for college students. Thus, according to Christine and Kerrie (2007), psychological abuse most frequently happens coefficiently with sexual and physical …show more content…

Because people feel less angry, they use psychological aggression to regulate emotions. Ryan, Jeff, Jeniimarie, Hope, Amanda and Gregory (2012) have examined the consequences of psychological aggression. Evidence suggest that perpetrators of psychological aggression perpetration perceived and reported experiencing reinforcement. They found that 42.6% reported feeling less furious, 31.3% felt less baffled, 31.3% felt less agitated, 30.1% felt more quiet, 25.7% were less focused on, 25.4% felt less aggravated and 17.7% felt less miserable. The results indicate that the number of consequences may be punishing for all the female participants. They found that 29.8% of female participants felt embarrassed for what they have done, 36.6% felt regretful, and 33.9% felt they were wrong, and 31.3% felt as though they were bad individuals

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