Tedx Talk: Video Analysis

1393 Words3 Pages

Anum Waris
Activity Paper 1: Write and submit a reflection paper including the following: what was new about the video for you, what was confusing for you and what you think others need to learn. Conclude with your reactions.
Sam Killermann, the presenter of this Tedx Talk, is certainly upfront about the complexities of gender. Using humor and rhyme, he tackles the confusing subject. First and foremost, he clarifies that there is a difference between sexuality and gender, like with “apples and sexy oranges.” He then goes on to define gender and elaborate on the three main components: gender identity, expression, and biological sex. What is great about this video is that Killermann clearly breaks down the material into understandable pieces. While maintaining its educational nature, this video is also entertaining. What Killermann said at the beginning really resonates with me. Growing up in Pakistan, I was taught to behave like the ‘woman’ he described. My home country is a very male dominated society. It is expected for women to remain in the household while the men pursue careers and earn all the money for the …show more content…

To continue that earlier example, that baby who was assigned male at birth but who identifies as a girl may choose to express their femininity by wearing dresses, and thus is perceived by others as a girl. It is something that is choosen at birth but living in a free country everyone has the right to act the way they want to. If someone does not like being a guy they can change their way of living and dressing up and become a women. No one is going to question them as to why they are doing that. However, this also means that they could choose to have close cropped hair, a beard, and only wear traditionally masculine clothing and still identify as a girl. This gets a bit

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