Understanding Gender: Beyond the Binary

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The concept that gender is limited strictly to two categories, male and female, has been around since the beginning of mankind. The notion, also known as gender binarism, states that “human beings are by nature either male or female” (Shalko). In past societies, people have followed this idea of only two genders; however, in more recent years, people have uncovered a whole new variety of gender identities. This concept is called gender fluidity; it is the idea that gender has no boundaries that prevent people from expressing who they really are. In today’s world, gender is a touchy subject to speak or write about. Many people are unaccepting of the idea that there are more than two genders. It goes against everything they have ever learned. …show more content…

They should not be confined by gender binarism. As stated by Allison Hope, a writer for the Huffington Post, “we live in such a deeply gendered society that our kids have no fighting chance when it comes to freedom of gender expression.” People always tell their kids to be whatever they want to be, but they never tell them that they can be whoever they want to be. The solution for this is to “raze the binary gender system entirely” (Hope). If binarism is eliminated from society, people will finally have the ability to be who they truly desire to be. Gender fluidity allows people to not only identify however they want, but it helps people figure more information about themselves that they might not have known before. For some people, gender identity can be a sort of trial and error. According to German Lopez, a reporter for “Vox Media,” “there’s nothing wrong with taking a label for gender and finding out it doesn’t work for you.” People can go through all 63 gender identities until they find which one fits them the best. No two people are the same, which is why gender binarism should not exist. One cannot be entirely masculine, and one cannot be entirely feminine. That person will always have characteristics from each category, which is why “everyone, really, is non-binary” (Freeman). No one will ever be a perfect man or

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