Tedtalk Summary

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This Tedtalk was about expanding our perception, Brené Brown is a self proclaimed “researcher story-teller” and I’d say a very good storyteller at that. She began by telling a little about her type-A personality characteristics. And as a researcher of social work she was interested in connection because it is what gives her purpose and meaning. Connection is how she is wired, to live in connection with others. Over a decade of research her goal was to understand and outsmart shame, the fear of disconnection. Shame is something we all experience and ultimately “people don’t want to talk about it, if we talk about it less then it doesn’t exist” Brown explains. She goes on to explain shame boils down to a sense of worthiness versus people who struggle to love and feel they belong. At which point she focused her research on “whole-hearted” people to find the commonality …show more content…

We cannot selectively numb feeling, we cannot choose to feel the bad stuff and expect we still feel the good. Because being vulnerable allows for the “birthplace of joy, love, creativity, belong and love” to grow from the bad. She tells the how and why we being vulnerable is being certain instead of uncertain. The more vulnerable the more fear we have, eliminating the need for communication, the need for connection. The more certain we are there no reason to connect. “I’m right, you are wrong. Now shut up.” We numb ourselves to everything and then we are going around through life looking for the purpose and meaning. If you want to feel joy, love, creativity, belonging and love, have a strong sense of worthiness you have to take the risk. To have courage: courage to be imperfect. Compassion: be kind to yourself and then to others. Connection: willingness to let go of who they thought they should be and choose to be authentic. Vulnerable: be willing to do something where there are no

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