Technology In The Workplace

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The growth of technology has impacted the lives of almost everyone in the United States of America, and plays a huge role in everyday life. I use technology everyday, whether it be for school work or for pleasure. Every morning I wake up and the first thing I do is look at my phone. I text my friends, play music, and check my social media accounts. I then go to school where I use my Ipad for every class. I can type a paper from my seat, or read my textbook without having to carry it around. My use of technology does not stop when I leave school though, it continues to my home and throughout the night. I can text my friends, do my homework, send an email, and so much more by just a few touches of a finger to a screen. Americans, ages eighteen and older, use technology for more than eleven hours each day (Richter). The growing development of technology has changed the way people earn a living and sustain relationships throughout the world. Technology has provided new and …show more content…

The use of technology has increased the ability of companies to improve their cost management. There are now new devices and applications that can assist a company or business to track their profitability and monitor their spending. In the past, it was easier for a company to lose track of their spending and fall into debt. Today, technology allows businesses to easily track their expenses and make sure they do not overspend or make mistakes that could put their business in danger. Another positive effect of using technology in the workplace is improved security. The increase in security software has greatly increased the amount of security businesses have and helps them to protect against hackers or computer crashes. This also assists hospitals and other care facilities to keep their patients information safe. The use of technology throughout the workplace has positively impacted it as a whole

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