Tear Down The Barriers Of Gender Bias Analysis

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In the article “Tear Down the Barriers of Gender Bias” the author uses logos to support his argument that gender bias against men occurs in nursing school and in the nursing workplace. The statistics and evidence given in the article prove that the discrimination against men in the nursing field (intentional and unintentional) affects the likelihood of men to enter the field. The author presents us with the fact that there is a shortage of nurses in America. This then relays back to the fact that gender bias hampers the ability to recruit men who make up nearly 50% of the population. The central argument made by the author is that gender bias is present in the nursing field. This argument is expressed multiple times in the article and …show more content…

Evidence like this which include wrong doings of those in authoritative positions creates the feeling of disappointment in the reader. It makes you feel like there is no hope in destroying the presence of gender bias if the leaders are passing down that mind set. Anthony also presents the statistic from other studies that men experience nursing education differently. And they are surprised when confronted with maternal-child nursing and end up learning to express caring in their own way (Anthony n.p.). This shows just how much more men are needed in the nursing field. As explained in the article, there are very few male mentors/role models. This is needed if men are ever going to be as predominant as females are in nursing. The reader in turn is caused to think that with more male role models/teachers in nursing then more men will likely become nurses themselves. Because of the shared mind set and their experience, male teachers will be able to better teach and prepare the male nursing students for the workplace. Anthony points out that in the results of a national survey it was found that men leave nursing at a higher rate than women during their first four years in the field (Anthony n.p.). The reader can then assume given this information that gender bias is not only prevalent in nursing school but also in the work place. Before reading this bit of information, one might assume that this gender bias happening in nursing school would dissipate upon entering the workplace. This is because it is assumed that with age comes maturity and therefore the older more experienced nurses would not discriminate. However it is found that whether this discrimination is intentional or unintentional it does occur in the workplace. As the author found in

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