Tea Essay

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Tea goes around the world
Did you know that tea was firstly discovered in China before it is served virtually in every corner of the world? For hundred years ever since 2737 B.C. , tea is exclusively being steeped for the Chinese emperors, rich and nobles only before the commoners could have enjoy a cup.

Later, the Japanese are introduced to tea drinking before spread to Korea and other Southeast Asian countries. Overtime, tea goes around the world as the revolution of British kingdom has changed world’s political landscape and subsequently became the prime factor in flourishing the importing and exporting of tea across the globe.
Tea’s aromatic beverage and its other goodness
As much aromatic a cup of tea may smell, the taste also keeps people getting more of it. No wonder the tea is rated to be the second most famous drink, after water.

Even though science and technologies are not advanced yet people had realized the medicinal qualities contained in tea. For millennia, teas (also known as herbal infusions) have been used as remedies and booster for healthy life. Nothing can be...

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