Tamira Powe Personal Narrative

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There they were. Hanging in all their glory. The amazing red and black robes of the Advanced Choir. These robes were given only to the finest singers in high school. And I wanted one. But the only feature on my portfolio was annual Christmas caroling. Not impressive compared to the ex-American Idol contestants in the group. With visions of myself in the beautiful robe, I sat in the auditorium waiting for my turn to audition. I listened for the Chorus Director to call my name on stage, I thought back to my first audition ever... It was 4th grade, we were performing Beauty and the Beast. I wanted the role of Babette, more than anything, and I was excited to try out. My audition was great... Or so I thought. I didn’t get the role of Babette, I got some forgettable two-line role. I went home that afternoon and cried my heart out while lying on the kitchen floor. Not knowing how to express my emotions any other way; I vowed never again to try out for anything… The voice of the Director calling out names pulled me out of my memory. I was coming up after a few more students. My nerves and excitement continued to build. …show more content…

Tamira Powe". Back in real time, it was my chance to shine on stage. To earn the black and red robe. The audition began with a Major scale, and remembering The Sound of Music, made me successful. As I improvised the other two scales, I locked eyes with the confused face of the Director, and her Assistant. This is not going well. Next was sight reading. They expected me to do ten measures. I survived two. I sang a quartet piece - both alto and soprano parts. As I sang, I pictured myself in the black and red robe. Believing myself to be the one rare freshman who would get Advanced Choir. I had to convince them I was

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