Taking Kids Out Of Sports Research Paper

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Do you love to play sports? research has proven that participation in sports can provide very beneficial skills for kids. What some people argue is that kids are losing valuable time and getting hurt while playing sports and participation in sports is becoming harmful, and parents are taking their kids out of sports. While it may be true that playing sports can be harmful, ultimately sports can be very beneficial for kids.
Sports can help kids with low self-esteem and help lower depression and anxiety rates.
While experimenting if people with 30 minutes of exercise would lower their chances of having a panic attack or without exercise and still have the same results. At the end of the experiment the results when the patients were given a anxiety attack shot the people that exercised had significantly lower signs of having a panic attack. Having moderate self-esteem is very beneficial especially in a teenager when having self confidence is very key. Also when kids aren't having to be stressed out about their anxiety or depression kids are passing 70 % of their classes. In addition, kids don’t have to participate in team sports as long as kids are just getting in daily exercise they will still get the same benefits they would have gotten from any other team sport. …show more content…

Sports have helped youth gain life skills like being able to communicate in a team of people, having self-discipline and being able to help out as a member as a team. Also sports can provide having better peer relationships and having greater family attachment. Equally important sports can lower chances of having depression and have anxiety issues which are very beneficial to kids. Finally, do you think youth should still be allowed to play sports? Even with the possible factors that can be harmful or are the benefits of playing sports too valuable to give

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