TED Talk: The Power Of Vulnerability

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During the TED talk which was held in Houston in June 2010, Dr. Brown was the presenter of a talk named “the power of vulnerability, ” in which she advises peoples to act with more open-mindedness, and adhere to the concept of vulnerability, because that can bring to them a lot of positive benefits. According to the researcher, people developed a lack of self confidence due to internal factors like shame and fear. Based on examples related to the speech; after dividing into two distinct groups the subjects interviewed for her research, she reached a convoluted conclusion : People who never were confronted to shame have an incapacity for human empathy meanwhile those who experienced it before have a strong feeling of love, belonging and worthiness , they have this spirit of confidence, which is crucial. …show more content…

Their assertiveness and bravery make them people with a strong mind; this category have the assurance to say “ I love you ” first, they can be qualified as “ whole hearted ” persons with solid perseverance and composure, this kind is convicted that by accepting their defaults, it is possible to take significant advantage of them. The second group, which was composed by shy people, had a weak sense of worthiness, they were always wondering if they’re good enough. As reported by the researcher, assured people who hold tightly vulnerability are fully capable to initiate a link through authenticity. However, in accordance with Ms. Brene, the concept of vulnerability has a deep relationship with shame and fear, this is an undeniable proof that vulnerability has also a bad aspect after all. In short, it is impossible to get rid of these feelings, they are essential for the mind balance. Daze it would have many undesirable effects, the most important thing is to learn how to believe that we are enough by accepting imperfections; after that, the peace of mind is

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