Shaming By Sarah Krumm

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By: Sarah Krumm I wrote this piece in the depths of struggling with my own iphone/Facebook addiction. It was hard to come to terms with recognizing how great my need was (still is?). This was my journey to wrestle my denial and document the internal war raging inside me. There is so much shame doled out to the smartphone crazed generations, though some of the allegations maybe true, they are not helpful. Touchscreen tools are so ingrained into our society, it is liken to navigation and plotting tools of a mariner, and there is no “going back.” Shaming others blocks us from viewing reality honestly. Shaming devalues movement forward. Shaming keeps our souls asleep. The solution is in the choice to express how we feel. Emotions are our valuable, non-negotiable reality. They are our heart. When we give ourselves full permission to feel the source of these emotions, clarity comes into focus, where the conversation of restoration and healing happens. …show more content…

So that Facebooketc. can become a powerful tool to express our soul, not be treated as the source of our identity. Most importantly, I hope that in revealing my honest reality, that another person’s struggle is met with a little less shame, and certainly hope in restoring their souls to the powerful and creative beings they are. That maybe this will wake up one more person from their satiated slumber. —- For the world is immersed in a pandemic myth. Void of internal conflicts, its people sit quietly satiated appropriately dosed into overly medicated states of being. Obedient to the inexhaustible, user-gernated content that is the ocean, I alone ride it’s

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