T Worry Be Gloomy's Argumentative Essay

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Happiness can kill you! Being happy is good for humanity but should it be used 100% of the time? While most people believe happiness is a very positive emotion, it has some negative effects. There is a such thing as being too happy. Emotions such as anger and sadness are actually beneficial.
Positive emotions are great but not always. Being happy is an amazing feeling. Everyone has their own opinion about the definition of happiness. I believe happiness is the overall feeling of love, stability, and peace. This emotion contains many different positive effects. “More “positive” emotion is linked to a lower risk of various psychological illness, including depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder” (Don’t Worry...page 2). It is true that happiness is good for us. However, too much happiness can create carelessness and can become dangerous. …show more content…

Susan David author of Don’t Worry Be Gloomy stated, “When we’re overly cheerful, we tend to neglect important threats and dangers”. People who are happy tend to live carefree. When this becomes a habit, they lose all cautiousness and don’t think about the what ifs. “You might engage in riskier behaviors like drinking too much, binge eating, skipping birth control, and using drugs.” (Don’t Worry....page 2). The end results of these actions can definitely knock a person out of that happy space. Having a mixture of emotions is good. Sharon Begley from Happiness: Enough Already, believes that “once a moderate level of happiness is achieved, further increases can sometimes be detrimental” (Happiness... page 2). Negative emotions keeps a person well

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