Syrian Refugees Research Paper

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We are facing a refugee crisis of a magnitude that has not been seen since world war two, presenting the world with countless challenges and a dichotomy of decisions. Images of Syrians fleeing their homes and taking treacherous journeys in search of safety in Europe have dominated the news, as levels of global displacement have escalated. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has estimated that 1 in every 113 people globally are now either, asylum-seekers, internally displaced people or refugees, facing the challenges of starvation, abduction, violence and obtaining admission into a protected country. Coincidentally, these statistics indicate that one person in this room today would fit this situation.
Since the outbreak of the Syrian …show more content…

Was this out of ignorant fear? What are you afraid of? A refugee is an individual who is fleeing his country to escape persecution based on race, religion, nationality or membership of a certain group or political opinion, they are not the enemy. They are people just like you and me with the misfortune of being born in a country in the midst of war or great crimes. They travel thousands of dangerous miles in search of a better life with greater opportunities, is that not what we all want for our children? Madeline Albright, the 64th Secretary of State of the United States, maintains,
”The notion refugees are a threat to national security is statistically unsubstantiated, and refugees have made vital contributions…(The ban)….doesn’t include any countries from which radicalized Muslims have actually killed Americans in the U.S… There is no data to support the idea that refugees pose a threat. This policy is based on fear, not facts. The refugee vetting process is robust and thorough, already consisting of over 20 steps, ensuring that refugees are vetted more intensively than any other category of

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