Synthesis Essay: The Importance Of Proper Sleep

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Everybody needs proper rest in order to feel fully refreshed and focused. Throughout time, studies have shown that a human being needs a certain amount of sleep to tackle their daily responsibilities. If for whatever reason they cannot get a complete rest at night, naps are a fantastic and efficient solution to catch up on some much needed rest.

As a young adult, I make an increased effort to make sure I get as much rest as I need. Although I tend to sleep fairly well at night with no interruption, there are times, however, that I have trouble falling asleep. That is what ultimately drives me to take a nap when possible. There have been countless times where I've needed some extra energy during the day due to an interrupted sleep the night before, and each time I took a nap when that has occured, it has paid off astoundingly in the long run. …show more content…

This requires dedication, responsibility and maturity, of course, but it also requires a well rested mind and body in order to achieve what needs to be achieved. For instance, if someone is struggling to get the rest that their body absolutlely needs, and if it lingers around long enough without being properly addressed, it will soon affect their mind as well. If you are physically and mentally exhausted, how could you be expected to work nine hours per day, five days each week? Over time, it will produce consequences that could seriously alter your life, even when it could have been easily

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