Synthesis Essay Outline: A Career In High School

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She taught me how to be a good person in a time of darkness in our small town. My friend Madeline is such an outgoing, caring, above and beyond person. She also is a great leader and very artistic. This is why we became friends. When we met we were both shy but so how she felt special to me. Because of this she is my Michigan Hero. Madeline would always put other people before herself. Before Christmas break, she brought all her friends' goody bags with candy in them. In school, she is always willing to help a a student out, and share her ideas with the class. No matter what, she will always partner up with anyone even if they're not friends. During band, she will teach peers notes if they need help. Now I am ready to share my ideas with …show more content…

She is never afraid to stand out of the crowd with her bright green basketball socks. In track Maddie would always make time after pole vaulting to come and watch me throw. Even though she doesn't play volleyball, she will still come and watch me. She's taken me home many of times when my mother couldn't. Madeline is a great leader and helper. Recent in school, she was in the lucky twelve out of fifteen students to be chosen to join MMLI (Michigan Middle School Leadership Initiative). In this program, it helps students to have positive impacts within their community. Maddie shows leadership and positivity in and out of school. In school she'll welcome every peer and teacher when she see's them. Maddie will help pass out papers or help clean up the classroom. Maddie is very creative and artistic. She can decorate like no other. Her neatness is impeccable. Madeline can come up with ideas very quickly. In class she working on a montage of picture from the class. Madeline cares about pother people to no end. She will help you at anytime of need. She will always be an outgoing, above and beyond person till the day she dies. She will spread her positivity throughout the halls of the school and the hearts of people. Madeline is a great friend and role model for our further generations to

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