Symbolism in the Stone Angel

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Margaret Laurence is one of Canada’s most critically acclaimed writers. She wrote short stories, as well as novels. Her best known novel is, without a doubt, The Stone Angel. This novel has many symbolic references, physical items showing emotions. The stone angel, the flowers and the pins are only a sample of the important symbols in the novel.

The first and most important symbol is that of the stone angel. It’s a memorial statue for Hagar’s mother. The statue is a legacy of the Currie family pride and the relationship between Hagar and her father. From the very start of the novel, the angel is a constant reminder of Hagar’s pride and bond with her father. Their relationship was unsteady and in the end non-existent because their separate prides didn’t work well together. Ironically, the stone angel is knocked on its side and is damaged. This serves as a reminder that life it represents is tragic. While Hagar is in her final days, she sees the stone angel as a sign of how she lived her life standing tall and strong hasn’t done much for her. Like her pride, the stone angel is almos...

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