Symbolism In The Great Bobby

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What moments in your life have you acted immature when you were suppose to be all grown up and acting mature by your certain age? I know that everyone has acted immature some point in there life and a character named Bobby from The First Part Last he is going to have to grow up and get it together because he is having a baby. I believe Bobby has come of age at the end of the book because these three symbols of when he was at the doctors office and all the memories came back he realized those are in the past and that his child needs to make those memories now because he is the grown up now, when "Just Frank" asked if he was a man yet that idea of being a man circled in his mind, and at the graffiti wall he lets go of his feelings draws …show more content…

How he should act, be responsible, and not act like he is the only thing that matters in this world. "Just Frank" is a great example of being a man because he saved a little girl from being taken and was killed while saving her. Now everyone thought he was just this drunk and dirty guy, but he was a hero and the best example for Bobby for growing up and becoming a man. I believe he is one of the reasons that Bobby had gotten his act together because looking back on what Frank had done, Bobby now has a baby girl and he would do anything to protect her from being taken. So he started to become a man to protect her like Frank had done for his …show more content…

The wall helps him express his feelings of the situations that have been occurring. Bobby feels alone, he feels lost in this world, and he doesn't know himself anymore. He feels like a ghost, no one can see him and he can't see himself like he once could because he is so different. Nia in the painting is the one everyone is feeling sympathy for and is getting all the attention, and it makes Bobby feel like he doesn't even matter. The baby is the only thing Bobby can look forward to, but even when he thinks about his old like he thinks about how his brothers are there one moment, but when its all over there gone. The colors he used express the feelings even more. The black represent his pain, the red represent the blood and bruises, and the blue represents his depression. He knows that for now on he keeps his feelings together, he is the man of the family, and he has to care for his family and be

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