Symbolism In Chocolat

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Chocolat is a novel written by Jeanne Harris and not only focuses on the pleasures of chocolate, but also, the temptation it possesses. It is set in the French countryside town of Lansquenet-Sous-Tannes. Vianne Rocher the protagonist opens a chocolaterie during the first week of lent which eventually frees the community entrapped in its traditions which are enforced by the antagonist, the priest of the town named Reynaud. Harris has used the theme of temptation as a powerful issue which the main character Reynaud struggles over. This is used as a tool to enhance the conflict between the two main characters and take the story to a deeper level emotionally. Harris has used the techniques of characterisation, symbolization and emotive language …show more content…

This is shown in chapter 5 page 34 when the book describes the battle between good and evil being reduced to a fat woman standing in front of the shop questioning herself whether she should or should not buy something. This is a powerful symbolization of the battle within each of us whether to withstand or to give in to our temptation. In the book this temptation is described as the devil, which is said to be without shape or form, but the little voice on our shoulder telling us what to do even though we know we should not do it. When this is said Reynaud contrasts Vianne and her chocolate shop to, what is in the Christian religion, considered to be lowest evil in the world. This gives the reader a view of the story from Reynaud’s perspective and an insight into the temptations and struggles he faces. Harris has used religion to show the power of temptation, this is shown in page 304 with the quote ‘’HELP ME P’ERE. HAVENT I PRAYED ENOUGH? SUFFERED ENOUGH FOR OUR SINS?’’ this shows that it is as much a battle between god and the devil as it is Vianne and her chocolate shop against everyone in the town, she is like the dark force that tempts all people in the town and they must stick with their god to give them strength to resist. Temptation is tied in later with religion when Muscat visits Vianne and tries to entice her and would cheat on his wife and break his pledge he …show more content…

This is shown in chapter 11 page 75-77 when Muscat try’s to seduce Vianne at her chocolaterie, this displays the grip that temptation has on Muscat. It is especially strong as Muscat has already pledged himself to another and they are joined in the eyes of god. These pages then further display the deceptive power of temptation and lust because the text suggests that he would break his marriage vows and give into the temptation for Vianne and it shows that he is lured towards the devil and away from god. These suspicions of Muscat’s intentions can be confirmed with the line ‘’Perhaps we could get together some time. You know. Get to know each other.’’ This uses emotive language to propose the actions Muscat is thinking of taking as well as his aim. This shows that as much of an effect that temptation has on characters such as Reynaud its effects are felt just as harshly by characters with a slightly smaller

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