Survival Is Your Own Responsibility Essay

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Have you ever been in a position where you had to waver your chances of survival, not knowing if you’d make it out alive or not? Countless times people are found in these types of situations on their own accord, or by accident, but who would be to blame? Many may feel like people who are in life or death situations should not be responsible for their actions, but to what extent do they become accountable for the situation.

When people are found in these types of situations are there for a reason- whether it was on purpose or on accident. They should know exactly what they’re getting themselves into, therefore, they should pay the price and be held accountable. In “The Value of Sherpa Life” the author states that “ Himalayan climbing is understood to be …show more content…

Not many people would really put them in danger and have the intentions of doing harm. In the article “ Survival is Your Own Responsibility” it states that “ Most accidents are caused by bad judgement compounded by weather and remoteness. Many accidents are a result of people making bad decisions because of a lack of knowledge or complacency, An examination of climbing accidents in Alaska show a great number of rescues involve people who have misjudged the consequences of their decisions and underestimated the power of it’s weather.” The people may have the knowledge of what they are doing, but still decided to take the risk, not predicting what may happen. Many people are understood when they could not have known that the actions they have made would lead to injury, or harmful situations. So what extent could someone really be held responsible for being in certain situations? It would be morally wrong to blame someone for being in a life or death situation if outside forces, including nature were the cause of the event, not even the result of their

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