Superman And Me

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As we all know that reading and writing plays a major role in the advancement of our knowledge but we have never expected that literature also plays a role to confer upon love and desire. In the essay “Why Literature?” Mario Vargas Llosa mentioned about the importance of literature and how it play an important function in the lives of people and the society itself. What I found to be the most interesting and unexpected function of reading and writing was the part when the author mentioned about the fact that “literature has served to benefit upon love and desire and the sexual act itself the status of artistic creation” (“Why Literature?” Mario Vargas Llosa). The author also wrote that without literature than eroticism wouldn’t even have exist. Therefore a society without literature, love and pleasure would be poorer in which there wouldn’t be relationships in the society. Literature is what …show more content…

Being able to read and write is something that you can obtain and that others are not able to take it away from you. In the essay “ Superman and Me” Sherman Alexie wrote a story about an Indian boy who loves to read. He read so many books that had given him the knowledge that an average age kid would have never understand. Even though growing up in a surrounding where he was always being looked down upon reading books because of his culture. He manage to teach himself to read at an early age and to prove to those that he was smart in which he had the ability to read and write. He would read anything that appears in front of him such as newspaper, cereal box, bulletins posted on the walls of schools, clinic, and post offices. I never knew that reading anything besides novels can help improve your reading skills. I thought that reading books and novels are the only way to improve your reading comprehension. Towards the end he became a writer who wrote novels, short stories, and poems that were enjoyed by

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