Summer Internship Analysis

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Last summer, I learned that a lack of experience can be extraordinarily stressful, but can also foster creativity and spur personal and intellectual growth. In my junior year, an opportunity opened up at my school for students to apply for a summer internship at a tech startup of their choice. I was of ten students accepted into the program, and despite the wide assortment of companies available in nearby Silicon Valley, I chose to use the $2000 stipend provided to travel to Munich and intern at a German engineering company called KONUX. Just after summer began, I left home for an unfamiliar country and an unfamiliar language, bringing with me only a basic understanding of what the company did, what my role would be at the company, and how my stay would be structured. Upon arriving, I was asked to assist in the establishment of a marketing presence in the United States. While the engineering side of the company fascinated me, my most useful talent to the company was my English writing ability. However, I quickly learned that the job required much more than the writing skills I had developed in school. Over the course of the next month I immersed myself in the experience, and increased my skill and familiarity with concepts I had previously unexplored, including copywriting, marketing strategy, search …show more content…

I was asked to write a press release announcing the release of a new sensor technology, and get KONUX published in technology-specific media. The process was complex and long, and I began with nearly no experience in any of the skills I was building. I started from the ground up, so in addition to writing the press release, I also had to research possible publications and contact editors and writers at those publications. My work paid off, and by the end of my internship, I was able to see my writing on KONUX published on various sensor-specific US media

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