Summer Fishing Grief

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The night went as prophesied. It was long and restless because the assumption that I was culpable for triggering both of my boy’s psychosomatic suffering was not permitting me any relaxation. I was tossing, turning, and repositioning my pillow all night in a determined frenzy to discover a more comfortable sleeping position. Three times during the night I levitated my fatigued body out of bed. Once was to sneak upstairs to check on the boys whom, thank God, were sound asleep. A second time to use the bathroom. Finally, I found myself sitting on the porch believing that the fresh air would make me drowsy at least enough to accumulate a few hours of sleep before the boys woke up. I found, at least for last night, the connection …show more content…

Every once in a while, I would give it a tug by raising the tip of my fishing pole to entice an ambitious and hungry bass. After a heavy rain the waters of the lake are murky so I would reach into my tackle box and pull out my all-time favorite lure. The Jitterbug, without a doubt, is the number one top water fishing lure of all time. The dark and shadowy water would imitate darkness to a hungry bass so the Jitterbug, which normally is fished at night is the perfect choice. On a slow and steady retrieve of the lure, its concave lip creates a "plop-plop" sound while its body has a side to side action that bass can’t resist. I would have all my bases covered for deep feeding bass and the op feeders as well.
Within in an hour I would have persuaded a few fish to violently attack the bait and run with it. If the fishing gods were with me I might boat a good size bass around 4-5 pounds and a couple of undersized ones. If fresh fish was not on my weekly dinner menu I would release the captives back into the cool waters of the lake. I am a full supporter in the catch and release ideology. Another rule of fishing I learned from …show more content…

When studying English Literature in college I researched and composed a thesis paper on how Irving chose particular characteristics of the local residents in Sleepy Hollow. He would mix and match these characteristics to develop his characters for this folklore gem. My copy of this book has notes written in its margins and many passages are highlighted in opaque yellow marker to coincide with my notes. I don’t believe this will distract Dylan while he is reading. But I will have to explain to him why I vandalized its pages because I always taught both of my kids that books are treasures. Anyway, Dylan can begin his summer reading

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