Summary: The Psychosocial Application

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This purpose of this paper is to explore and describe the life stages and challenges that come along with the passing of life stages and events. In this paper we looking into 4 different kinds of factors that attribute to how a person has been struggling and succeeding in life. The biological application explains the importance of income with our quality of life. The Psychological application associated with multiple intelligences and which ones have been prevalent so far to my subject. The Psychosocial application talks about his recent struggle with stress and depression in himself and how that had started to take a toll on his academics and lifestyle. A Spiritual Application is discussed as well as we discover the meaning of spirituality …show more content…

111-112). Here it discusses the common occurrence of a low health of life due to a low flow of income. Our population is full of different kinds of families making different kinds of income. Yet many times we find that the ones with the biggest health problems like obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure are commonly occurring in the lower class rather than the families who are on the middle to upper class. Raymond and his family have been on the upper class all his life and has always been able to access his needs to things like health care. Even to appointments to chiropractors and therapists at the ready. He is now actually being treated for depression and anxiety. These kinds of sicknesses are sometimes over looked by many lower class families due to the lack of funds to be able to pay for all the medications or even routine checkups every year. Instead the lower class waits too long to get helped and ends up paying large amounts of money out of pocket in emergency services. Raymond was raised in the country and went to a small private high school on the outskirts of Harrisonburg. His neighborhood had been upper-class. And living a healthier life environment just according to this theory due to the lack of pollution in the air as well as less noise pollution and hazardous wastes. His socioeconomic environments have been on a …show more content…

Raymond was baptized Mennonite and grew up to attend both a Mennonite secondary school as well as college. Yet when asked about his religious background he did not technically believe in a “God”. He believed instead that maybe there was a higher power or being but that was not something he found to be totally true in his mind. He has mentioned atheism but couldn’t feel comfortable labeling himself as one. He believed that he was more spiritual than religious in a sense. He has also said he didn’t feel like he should feel like he is doing good by someone else for being a good person. He believes he knows in his mind what it means to be a good person and he didn’t need a high power to teach him how not to be a bad person. He had gone to church all his life until he reached college and didn’t see as much of a reason to go as well as it was not as interesting to him. I had asked him about his beliefs then on a changing world. I asked him about homosexuality and how he coped with that as a more spiritual person. He told me that he didn’t see homosexuality as a problem. Raymond’s view on homosexuality is one that you are born with. He believes no one has a choice in who they love it just happens within us and we cannot control it. So even with his religious background he is still accepting of people who are usually shunned or seen as inappropriate to certain religions and

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