Summary Of Why I Love My Job By Rick Reilly

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Why I Love My Job Rick Reilly, born in Boulder Colorado, in 1958 was a longtime columnist for sports illustrated, later on in 2007 he joined ESPN The Magazine where his essay Why I Love My Job appeared in the December 14, 2009 edition for the 100-years-in-review issue. In his essay Reilly brings up his writing days in college and how his journalism professor told him “ You’re better than sports.” Reilly disagrees with his professor and lists all the reasons why he will never be better than sports. Why I Love My Job is an essay that touches the hearts of many sport fans showing them how beautiful the thing they love is because sports has no grey areas, sports is something that is raw, sports brings multitudes together. At the beginning of his essay Reilly quickly starts of by listing the reasons he disagrees with his professor in college about how he will never be better than sports. the first thing he starts off by saying is sports is the realest thing there is in our lives. “ Sports is real. It can't be faked. If you’re Henry Fonda’s son and you want to act you get to act. If you’re Chelsea Clinton and you want to govern, you get to govern. But just because you’re Nolan Ryan’s son doesn’t mean you get to pitch in the show. Money, family, looks mean diddly in sports. If Tom Brady suddenly can’t throw …show more content…

Sports is something raw, It needs no scripture, whatever happens happens and in sports anything could happen. Reilly backs that up with his comparison of Y.E Yang, “a nobody”, beating Tiger Woods, “The god”. In sports even the gods fall from time to time and obviously its not something that is planned. When players enter the court their mind is only in playing a good game and winning, sure they might have strategies and game plans but in no time there can be a 360 degree change in things. players can get injured or the other team suddenly have a

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