Summary Of The Tipping Point By Malcolm Gladwell

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In the book The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, it discusses the major changes in society and why they happen suddenly and in an unexpected manner. Gladwell allows us to see the patterns that ideas take and makes us see how they can spread like infectious diseases. He analyzes fashion trends, direct mail, children’s television, smoking, and the American Revolution in order to round up hints about how ideas become infectious, he calls these “social epidemics”. I chose this book because one of my favorite things to do is watch how new trends and ideas begin and furthermore develop. It’s fun to see how something so small as an idea can turn into something so great. Now more than ever before, technology is advancing more and more each day, causing a commotion in our society and an urge to have the latest and greatest ideas out there. This book has helped me add a few new things to my general business knowledge. One being that you have to be very exact and creative in order to convey your message in a way that will make your idea attract the correct public. Another thing is that you should never take for granted marketing via word of mouth, because that is one of the most powerful ways social epidemics occur. …show more content…

He is a graduate from the University of Toronto and while studying there, he took a twelve week training course at the National Journalism Center. He is a former business and science writer at the Washington Post and has been a staff writer for The New Yorker since 1996. Gladwell has been named by Time Magazine one of the world’s 100 most influential people and is in high demand by the nation. He is widely appreciated for his work and his books sell by the millions. Malcolm Gladwell brings new ideas and points of view to the table, he is a very influential and convincing person, this allows him to expand and create new ways for a person to look at the world of

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