Summary Of The Fate Of Their Country By W. Holt

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I felt like the author could clearly show the true contributing factors of the civil war. As an admirer of history, I could use utilize his book for references later on in my academic studies. The book is 127 pages chronicling the events that led to the civil war. Holt gives novices history readers a wonder firsthand look into the world of young America pre-civil war. His book brought out new ways to approach the study of pre-civil war events. The question whether the Civil War was inevitable or could have been derailed was answered in The Fate of Their Country. Holt places the spotlight on the behaviors Politicians and the many congressional compromises that unintendedly involved the actions of the residents of American. These factors at hand placed the Civil war as inevitable. Most of the politician’s views in The Fate of Their Country were egotistical and shortsighted which left gaps in American’s social future. To consider the subject of why, first we need to understand the contributing causes, America’s great expansion project, the Manifest Destiny the driving factor behind the loss of virtue and political discord. Holt takes a closer look into the American political systems which was categorized as the Democratic and Whig party. These two-party divorce from partisan to create sectionalism …show more content…

Whatever is popular and can move the most votes regardless of ethical and moral values became a politician’s ticket to the Whitehouse. The question of morals and ethics takes a backseat in America’s expansion. Territorial acquisition and the dependences of social economic wheels such as slave power or technology become the dividing lines for the north and the south. Mixed in which slavery. The Union could not move ahead technological until the issue of slave power was dealt with. Mr. Holt does an excellent job in helping to create the social attitude during this tremolites

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