Summary Of How The Wolf Became The Dog

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Respond to the following with a complete essay
Using the information from the texts, “How the Wolf Became the Dog” and “How the Dog Became Part of the Family” explain how the relationship between dogs and humans has changed over time.

Have you ever wondered how we got the tiny cute pups that we have today? Well, it all started out about a couple hundred thousand years ago with the Gray Wolf. The Gray Wolf was and is still one of the fiercest predators we know today. Much like the companionship between humans and our dogs the Gray Wolf was a friend to many and family to more.

For hundreds of thousands years humans were afraid of them, but we and them teamed up and took on the world. This species of wolf had a very brave pack of wolfs that came and ate the scraps from human meals. Those wolfs grew and gave us new pups for us to raise, and over millennia more and more wolves were born and getting closer to humans. Scope also states this, “The cycle repeated over and over, resulting in generation after generation of wolves that were willing to get close to people.”(Pg: 25) So that is how the wolf evolved into the sweet and adorable pups we know and love today. …show more content…

It is actually fairly recent that we made dogs into family, for many years dogs were used as servants unless you were very wealthy. As used in Scopes article the How the Dog Became Part of the Family, it states “Dogs chased foxes away from chicken coops and cleared restaurant kitchens of rats.”(Pg: 27) So we can see here that dogs were mainly for transportation , scaring animals away and hunting. But the royal families treated the dogs like family, often kings wouldn’t even eat a meal unless their dog tried it first to make sure it wasn’t

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