Informative Speech On Wolfs

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Wolfs Today I am going to be talking about wolves and how they behave. What they eat, How they are in danger, But mostly because I love wolfs and I don't want them to be in danger. So that is why, I am going to talk about wolfs today. Did you know there are 200,000 wolfs in the world? They are decreasing in numbers, because people are killing them. People think that wolves are bad animals. The thing about wolves is that they only attacks if you are in their land. We need to stop killing wolfs, because they attack us, it is not there fault. This is really sad that we are losing most of the wolfs. If we could stop people from killing them that would be great. Wolfs are going endangered because people are killing them that is why I am talking about them for their future. The wolf's behaved is good it is bad if you get on their bad side. It's good if you stay away from them. The reason wolfs attack us is because they are trying to keep their pups safe. That is also why they mark their territories. The alfalfa male will die to save their pack and the pack's pups. The alfalfa male will also kill the young if he does not approve of them. But if he does like them he gives them a kiss to show that they can stay. He will also make them be a lone …show more content…

Wolves know the animals that live here, and wolfs now how to hunt them. To hunt large prey, the wolves must work together. The first step is finding prey. Wolves rely on their sense of smell to find prey. all a wolf's sharp senses, its sense of smell may be the strongest. It's estimated to be up to 100 times more sensitive than a human's. Wolves can smell prey several kilometers away. So when the alpha male catches the scent of elk on the wind, he is ready to lead the pack. This is what the paragraph is talking about, the wolf's diet. Farmers need to know so they can protect their

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