Summary Of Freedom Summer The Savage Season

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Bruce Watson. Freedom Summer: The Savage Season That Made Mississippi Burn and Made America a Democracy. New York: Viking Pres, 2010. Bruce Watson, the author of Freedom Summer: The Savage Season of 1964 That Made Mississippi Burn and Made America a Democracy, wrote accurately about the historical events that happened in corrupt Mississippi in the summer of 1964. This historical summer was a summer of staggering, and terrifying experiences for the young adults of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, also known as SNCC (pronounced ‘snick’). These students would challenge every power in Mississippi to achieve equality, as had African Americans in other southern states. Before Freedom Summer Rosa Parks had already refused to sit in the back of the bus boycotting separate but equal. Which led to the Montgomery bus boycott, leading to integration in Montgomery, Alabama. Dogs and fire hoses attacked protestors led by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Birmingham, Alabama during the Birmingham campaign in early 1963, while trying to raise awareness to integration of African Americans. Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream” speech had been delivered in August of 1963. All these protest, demonstrations, …show more content…

The SNCC’s goal was to confront every power of Mississippi. They trained volunteers they had selected by a rigorous application process to help African Americans to vote, and to help educate the colored in Mississippi. These young-adult college students, around 700, would spend their summer living in Mississippi with the poverty struck African American families. These young volunteer college students didn’t realize that before their jobs could even be started three of them would disappear, buildings would be burned, and non-violent would become violent. Mississippi wouldn’t need the sun to keep it hot this

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