Summary Of Crash Into Me By Liz Seccuro

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The book: Crash Into Me By Liz Seccuro examines the themes of Sexual Assault(Pg. 49), Lack of Institutional Support(Pg. 68), and Alcoholism(Pg. 17). Alcoholism in the college culture is a conspicuous recurring element that plays a major role in the rape that occurs in the second chapter. Some of the major causes of alcoholism in college are; availability of alcohol(Pg. 44), social pressure(Pg. 46), and genetic susceptibility to alcohol. In Seccuro’s Crash Into Me, on page 44, it states “We all approached one of the many kegs and Jim poured a beer for each of us into those large, red plastic cups that are still a fixture at college parties today” (Seccuro 44). This gives a clear statement about how easy the alcohol is accessed for everyone at the party, even for an under-aged drinker. Seccuro also addresses the point of social pressure on page 46, “I was anxious to get home. But I didn’t want to seem like a loser, either. I figured one more drink couldn’t hurt” (Seccuro 46). This gives a glimpse of what kind of social pressure a lot of college students feel when they are at parties where rape and other occurrences happen. In a study done in 2015 by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence(NCADD); the institute implores; “Researchers have identified numerous genes as affecting risk for dependence on alcohol and drugs” (NCADD 2015).

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