The Impact of Small Law Violations on Society

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Did you know that many people of the world break laws without even knowing?Frank Trippett in his article,’’A Red Light for Scofflaws’’,asserts that not only violent crime is hurting the foundations of our social order, but also the smaller laws that people casually break. He backs this up by giving examples such as littering and speeding,which people do regularly. He continues by concluding that Americans think that only violent crimes hurt us. The author’s purpose is to show the reader that all crimes,even the small ones,can hurt America’s law-and-order. The author creates a serious tone for the reader.Whether or not the law that someone broke was violent or not,laws are made to stop these violations and keep everyone in check. People might say that these small laws that are broken will not hurt anybody or anything.Trippett exclaims in his article ‘’The slogan of the day seems to be, ‘’You’re a fool if you obey the rules.’’ The author is stating that people think it is okay to break the law and that there won’t be any repercussions enforced afterwards. Even small laws that …show more content…

There are many people that speed on freeways and throughout the streets without thinking of the consequences that could possibly happen.There are many lives taken by car crashes every day either because the driver was not paying attention,was drunk,or was speeding so they couldn’t stop in time.I have seen many car crashes that have caused fatal injuries because one or both drivers weren’t careful enough and did not follow the law.These laws were put into effect for a reason,to protect the people of America and make them feel safe anywhere that they go.If there were no laws,the world would be full of pure chaos and anarchy and there would be no balance. Every decision that someone makes in life,including following the law,can have a drastic impact on their life and other people’s lives as

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