City Law Violations

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On Monday, August 1, I spend a majority of my day organizing various documents using “City Law.” First, I went through the animal litigation files and changed the status of the closed cases from “open” to “closed.” Most animal litigation files can be closed out once the owner of the animal receives a notice stating that their animal has been involved in an attack. After this, I spent some time filing witness subpoenas. I went through a list of witnesses who were called to court to testify and filed their information into “City Law.” This will then notify the finance department to pay these witnesses for their time. When a witness is called to court, they are provided with five dollars for their appearance as well as twenty cents per mile that …show more content…

Today, I received files of witnesses who appeared in court and I requested the finance department to set up a vendor number for them so that they can receive their pay. I then calculated the witnesses’ milage from their home address to city hall. I then provided all of this information to office paralegal, Jane, so that she can process the payments and send the witnesses their checks. After this, I went to the weekly pre-trial meetings with Liz. On Monday, I did not have the opportunity to read the cases in advance, however, it was easy to pick up on the case details during the meetings. The violations this week include: operating while suspended, operating without insurance, operating without a license, speeding, retail theft, and violated child safety restraint (no car seat). This week many of the defendants were new in town from other cities, states, and even countries, and the violations were a result of a misunderstanding of Manitowoc laws. For example, in the case of the violated child safety restraint, the defendant has only lived in America for one year, and did not understand that it is required that small children be in a car seat while riding in a car. Liz was very patient with these people and did the best that she could help them understand Manitowoc law, and what steps they should take to avoid future violations. Although she is not their lawyer, and does not have any reason to help …show more content…

This section asks various questions relating to the treatment of criminals, most notably, “are those who violate such norms automatically dealt with as enemies within?” (220). Rather than attempting to answer the question, the author explains that in the United States, many people feel little to no empathy for criminals, and therefore, little desire to show criminals any mercy. While the city attorney's office handles only civil crimes, I often see this societal attitude towards criminals during the weekly pre-trial meetings. Many defendants with otherwise clean records often worry that their offense will appear on their criminal record, and that they are in for further punishments. For example, this week a defendant who was caught operating while suspended came to the pre-trial meeting very worked up about this going on his record. He feared that he might not be able to obtain a new license due to this violation. I think it is great that many people have a fear of breaking the law, and take it seriously when they do violate the law, however, it once again goes to show the lack of education about the law when defendants guilty of a speeding ticket react as though they are guilty of murder. Along with enhanced legal education, I believe that society needs to develop a greater sense of morality. While

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